Legionnaires' disease outbreak investigation toolbox

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Data Formats



Why needed and further expanation

Case information

Case ID

Alpha-numeric value

Assigned by OCT to provided unique identifier for each case


Home location


Might enable identification of source, could be longitude/latitude

Administrative Area

Alpha-numeric value

Administration area that home falls within, to enable aggregation to higher spatial geometries and patient anonymisation

Date of Birth


Descriptive epidemiology


Numeric (3 digits)

Descriptive epidemiology


0=Male, 1=Female

Descriptive epidemiology

Date of Onset


Descriptive epidemiology

Hospital care

Date of Hospitalisation


Or not available (NA) if not yet hospitalised

Date of Discharge from Hospital


Or NA if not yet discharged

Location of Hospital


Useful contextual information if further case interviews are needed, might need 'admin area' information too

Pneumonia History


+1, -1, 0, NA

Results will be positive (1), negative (-1), equivocal (0) or NA if not yet performed/results pending.


+1, -1, 0, NA

Results will be positive (1), negative (-1) or equivocal (0) or NA if not yet performed/results pending.

Microbiology history

Urinary antigen

+1, -1, 0, NA

Results will be positive (1), negative (-1) or equivocal (0) or NA if not yet performed/results pending.


+1, -1, 0, NA

Results will be positive (1), negative (-1) or equivocal (0) or NA if not yet performed/results pending.


Titre score, NA

Could be binned for interpretation (i.e. <64, 1:64, 1:128, 1:256, >512) or NA if not yet performed/results pending


+1, -1, 0, NA

Results will be positive (1), negative (-1) or equivocal (0) or NA if not yet performed/results pending.

Patient Status

At notification

0=Dead, 1=alive

Descriptive epidemiology

at 30 days post notification

0=Dead, 1=alive

Descriptive epidemiology

Interview history

Numeric (1 digit)

i.e. 0=Not interviewed, 1 = interviewed by proxy, 2= interviewed

Travel history



Might enable identification of source, and approximate time of day might also be helpful (i.e. am, pm, night-time etc)

Administrative Area

Alpha-numeric value

Administration area that location falls within, to enable aggregation to higher spatial geometries and patient anonymisation


Free text

Basic contextual and relevant information about patient not captured above

Environmental information

Source ID

Alpha-numeric value

Assigned by Outbreak Control Team to provided unique identifier for each case

Source location


i.e. could be longitude/latitude

Administrative Area

Alpha-numeric value

Administration area that source falls within, to enable aggregation to higher spatial geometries and site anonymisation

Source type

Free text

Description of type of source (cooling tower, spa pool etc)

Owner of source

Free text

Official registered owner of source

Date that samples were last taken


Results of samples

+1, -1, 0, NA

Results will be positive (1), negative (-1) or equivocal (0) or NA if not yet performed/results pending.

Dates that previous samples were taken


If multiple samples taken on same day, some form of unique identifier will be needed to link to relevant results

Results of samples

+1, -1, 0, NA

Results will be positive (1), negative (-1) or equivocal (0) or NA if not yet performed/results pending.


Free text

Basic contextual and relevant information about patient not captured above