Legionnaires' disease outbreak investigation toolbox

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Legionella Infections in LOCATION- Message number X

A further case of Legionnaires' disease in LOCATION has been reported to the local public health team bringing the total under investigation in this area to N.

The Nth case, [ descriptive info, age and sex], has no/potential links to the location, which M of the other cases had. S/He has been admitted to the Hospital Name for treatment.

Name of local public health team is carrying out detailed investigations into all N cases, to try and identify the source of the infection. [ Insert general descriptive summary of current cases. For example: One of the patients sadly died after being admitted already ill with Legionella infection to the Hospital Name. Of the others being treated in the Hospital Name, one has recovered sufficiently to be allowed home. The remaining original cases are all improving.]

Name of Medic , Position , said:

[ Insert detailed relevant contextual information quoting expert in discipline/locality. For example : " We know the deceased patient had a different strain of Legionella to the others and that the latest case had undergone day surgery in the Hospital Name but this was at the extreme end of the possible incubation period, making this unlikely as the source of infection.

"There remains no evidence that the cases are linked and we are still working closely with our partners in the health service to try and identify the source of these infections. This includes investigating all places each person visited in the two weeks before they fell ill."]

"The symptoms of Legionnaires' disease include a 'flu-like' illness with muscle aches, tiredness, headaches, dry cough and fever, leading on to pneumonia. Sometimes diarrhoea occurs and patients may suffer from confusion.

Legionnaires' disease is an uncommon form of pneumonia caused by a type of bacterium that is found in the environment. It causes disease when it is spread through the air as a spray or vapour from a water source and droplets are inhaled. It cannot be spread from one person to another.[Patients who experience symptoms should seek medical attention promptly, so that appropriate and effective antibiotic treatment can be given. People feeling unwell who have visited LOCATION in the past couple of weeks are encouraged to visit their local health provider and seek prompt and effective treatment.]

Notes to Editors:

1. Legionnaires' disease is pneumonia, caused by the bacterium Legionella pneumophila. The majority of cases are reported as single (isolated) cases but outbreaks can occur. Some 5000 cases are reported annually across the EU and EEA/EFTA countries. All ages can be affected, but it mainly affects people over 50 years of age, and generally men more than women and more often, smokers.

2. The incubation period ranges from 2 to 14 days. In rare cases some people may develop symptoms as late as three weeks after exposure. It cannot be passed from person to person. Outbreaks may have a source of infection in common but most cases are 'sporadic' i.e. with no links to a common source or strain of the Legionella bacteria.

3. The symptoms of Legionnaires' disease include a 'flu-like' illness with muscle aches, tiredness, headaches, dry cough and fever, leading on to pneumonia. Sometimes diarrhoea occurs and patients may suffer from confusion. It can be treated with antibiotics. People should be advised to seek medical attention if they have a respiratory illness suggestive of Legionnaires' disease.

4. Legionella bacteria are widely distributed in the environment. Systems linked to outbreaks have included: cooling towers; evaporative condensers; hot and cold water systems; spa pools; humidifiers in food display cabinets; effluent treatment plants; air scrubbers.

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